After changing jobs, it is better to check whether the company you changed jobs matches your status of residence and background, so that things will go smoothly when you renew.
When a foreigner changes jobs
This is a procedure when a foreigner changes jobs, but first of all, if the status of residence is “Spouse or Child of Japanese Nationals”, there are no employment restrictions, so there is no problem.
If a person with a status of residence “Engineer, Specialist in Humanities, International Services” or “Skilled Labor” intend to changes jobs, he / she will be selected for a new job with the same activities as the current status of residence.
For example, if a person with a status of residence of “Engineer, Specialist in Humanities, International Services” changes jobs and engages in international business, the status of residence will be the same, so the “Application for Change of Status of Residence” is not required.
A separate “notification regarding contracting organization” is required. You must notify the Immigration Bureau within 14 days of changing jobs.
Certificate of Authrization for Employment
To confirm whether the work you are engaged in after changing jobs can be done with the status of residence, you can confirm by applying for the issuance of a “Certificate of Authrization for Employment”.
It is not obligatory to apply for a “Certificate of Authrization for Employment”, but if you confirm in advance, you will need to submit less materials at the next “Application for Extention of Period of Stay”, and you can apply with confidence. increase.
If you change jobs when your current period of stay is short, you will be required to “Application for Extention of Period of Stay” without obtaining the above “Certificate of Authrization for Employment”.
In that case, it is necessary to attach a description of the new company, a statement of reasons for employment, etc. to prove the “eligibility of qualification” to work according to the status of residence, so this application is not the sama as the usual “Application for Extention of Period of Stay” . The amount of documents will be much larger.
If you take a “Certificate of Authrization for Employment”, you will not have to worry about the time of “Application for Extention of Period of Stay”.